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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Children-The Best Medicine

Do you ever find yourself swamped in the mundane hustle and bustle of everyday life? And once your day is over, you have nothing to show for it?

I've always been a type A personality & when I have something 'important' to do, it becomes my priority until the task is complete; however, with 10 nieces & nephews, I've learned that when children are around, you can't always do what you have on your list for the day. While this used to bother me to no end, I've actually come to enjoy the interruption of my nieces & nephews...including their fighting with each other, terrorizing my dog, spilling drinks on my carpet, or just ransacking my fridge! I miss them when they are not around, even if I have a long list of tasks that need to be done!

I have recently thought about my life & my priorities & when it comes down to it, I don't want my priorities in life to consist of a checked off list of day-to-day tasks. My true priority is family and what they add to my life. I don't want to miss one of my nieces or nephews' games because I need to clean my house--I'm not only missing a game, I'm missing out on their life, which I want to be a part of!

While I can't be with all of my nieces & nephews, it is them that I miss most of all! I miss watching them grow up, but my worst nightmare would be that they would forget me or not know who I am-that would be the WORST! Not so much for them, but for me!

You know the old saying, 'Laughter is the best medicine'? Well, I believe it whole heartedly. But I would have to say that children are the source of most of my laughter! It is amazing how quickly children make you forget everything that's going on in the world. Most of the time, they make me forget what I 'need' to be doing-some business or work of some sort!
They make me laugh, smile, and feel like a kid again-if only for a short time.

Children are funny little creatures that are honest & innocent, and you can't blame them for either of those precious traits-they come with the territory! In the blink of an eye, they can make you laugh & cry at the same time without knowing it! I've always thought that kids were funny, but it wasn't until one of my nephews said that I was funny that I realized how young they make me feel and act when I'm with them! This is a feeling I wouldn't trade for anything in the world-even a book full of checked off lists!

Whitney Houston had it right in the 80's (not so much today) when she sang that the children are our future, but they are also our present, and we should take the time to enjoy them for who they are & what they add to our adulthood...funny little souls who bring joy=the best medicine, to the tightest of type A personalities!

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