look out

Monday, February 2, 2009

Tough Times Don't Last-Tough People Do!

The news is depressing! With everyone in a state of panic these days about the economy, it's hard to watch the news without getting disappointed. Each broadcast only has the latest in the rising numbers of unemployment rates, and I'm tired of hearing it.

People everywhere are losing their jobs for some reason or another, and this is the last thing they need to hear while at home searching for work. As a worker who has recently been laid off due to company cost cuts, it's discouraging enough to go out everyday and actively seek employment. Then to have an anchor lady who has her own makeup artist tell me that people everywhere are losing their jobs tops the cake for me!

Knowing that I'm not alone in my state of unemployment does not make me feel better-if anything, it makes me hurt more for others who are in more dire situations than myself. I don't need a famous face with job security telling me that jobs are being cut-like many people-I am well aware with first-hand experience that jobs are being eliminated everyday! However, it does amuse me how the news anchors solemnly whisper that the country fears a recession is coming! Wake up! Do I need to write the news for these people? It's here! And it's been here for over a year!

With that being said, I make it a point to rarely watch the news. Instead, I choose to keep my spirits up and believe that all of my efforts are going to pay off, and I'll do whatever it takes to encourage myself and maintain my 'tough' soul to form barriers to the negativity on the news that always seems to bring me down. Whether it means submerging myself in a good book or playing with my dog, I do whatever I can to get my mind off of the so-called 'gloomy' state of the world because it's not going to last forever. Generations before us have been through recessions and depressions and the world is still turning. It's not always easy to continuously uplift your spirits, but it's a decision only you can make for yourself...and you HAVE to pick yourself up because the news and world aren't going to do it for you!

This doesn't mean that you shouldn't or don't have to CARE about what's going on in the world, but don't let yourself get bogged down in the troubles of our time. We always need to lend a helping hand when we can and help others who suffer anyway we can-whether it be monetary or a simple shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen-we need each other. Without the the kindness of humans, we would have never lasted through the previous depression. I believe it is the resilience of those who truly love others that makes the world turn. And we will find that helping those around us, in turn helps ourselves.

There is so much good news that could be covered, but I guess the reporters don't consider acts of kindness as entertaining as wars and economic crises. We are as strong as our will, and I am certain that those with strong, tough souls will outlast & overcome this economic downfall because although it is tougher to be positive in this world filled with negativity...it is the TOUGH PEOPLE THAT LAST, NOT THE TOUGH TIMES!


  1. You said it girl! I haven't watched the news in over a year (other than the weather!), I don't read newspapers and don't soak in negativity! I live in this world - I know what's going on - I don't need to be constantly reminded! I love your enthusaism and wise words! Go girl!

  2. Welcome to the blogging world. I am so excited. Love you...
