look out

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

i don't get it...

Ok, so we all know that i work at a university, which will remain anonymous for the purpose of my freedom to vent-mainly about the ignoramuses that i encounter on a daily basis walking aimlessly around campus. While i love my job and the actual university itself, the students are what irritate the living you-know-what out of me. The latest lucky group of ill bred kids who have caught my attention, and for which this post is written, are the barefoot walking guys. And when i use the term 'guys' it includes girls as well. You can easily spot these people, not by looking at their bare feet, but because they're usually the only ones walking alone. And who can blame those who won't walk with them? I wouldn't be seen in public (or private for that matter) with anyone walking around without shoes.
For starters, it's gross. When i see a kid walking on the road or public sidewalk without shoes, i want to ask them if they really don't know why they are walking alone. I want to ask them if they have any common sense. And i especially want to know why he or she isn't wearing the shoes they're carrying in their hands. It's one thing to be in private quarters and decide to go without shoes on a clean floor; it's another issue entirely when you choose to take off your shoes to walk everywhere.
Any idiot knows that athlete's foot is easily caught and highly contagious. Per webmd, 'you can get it by touching the infected area of a person who has it. More commonly, you pick up the fungi from damp, contaminated surfaces, such as public floors, showers, locker rooms, or any other used surface'. So, when you can easily catch athlete's foot by using a public or shared shower, such as the ones found in every dorm, why would you up your chances of catching it by walking barefoot everywhere you go? Morons. But athlete's foot is the least of your worries barefoot guys. Ever heard of ringworm? Yeah, it's even nastier. And more highly contagious. I've included a picture of athlete's foot so at least you'll know what to expect when it happens to you. The picture of ringworm was just too nasty to include.
I'm not alone in my disgust for barefoot walkers. Co-workers and even my babe has said that they actually hope the barefoot walkers catch ringworm or better yet, step on a rusty nail or staple and get a staph infection. That would teach 'em, maybe. But i'm starting to think these kids can't be taught. And speaking of teaching, what's the deal with the professors who allow these kids to show up without shoes and possibly contaminate the whole class, including the prof, with not only an infection, but stench. That's right. You know feet smell anyway when you wear shoes. How good do you think they smell without shoes while walking around in public? But then again, that's not your problem. You don't care. You're way to hip and cool to care what other people think. Which is why you walk around alone without shoes. And don't give me that crap about the benefits of walking barefoot. You aren't wearing any shoes. Why the hell would i listen to anything you had to say?
Now, it would be a completely different story if you couldn't afford shoes. But we all know that's not the case. Especially when you're carrying them. Yesterday, and i'm not lying, i saw a female barefoot walker carrying her flip flops. Really? Are those flip flops just that uncomfortable and restricting for you to put on your nasty feet and wear while you're walking on the sidewalk, or road in her case. Hard to believe. And of course she was walking alone. Another guy had in his iPod ear buds, so i know he can afford a pair of shoes. Any pair will do. This isn't the stone age and you know that because you have coach bags and iPods, so why choose to look like fred flinstone or barney rubble? Are you like the skinny jeans guys? I know you have no significant other. Do your parents not love you? Or maybe they are all too embarrassed to be seen in public with you. I'd warn them to stay away unless they want to deal with one of the pictures shown, or an overwhelming amount of revulsion from everyone else who chooses to practice personal hygiene and take precaution in catching fungi. Get a life, a pair of shoes, and wear them.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry c, barefoot living is the next big trend - for many reasons. I'm no serious proponent of it yet (except for the many noted health and fitness benefits - see, e.g., McDougall's "Born to Run"), but I've decided to go barefoot every time I visit your home just for fun.

  3. Dan's feet stink, especially when there are no shoes on. Reiterates the point of the author's blog.
